Research — Department of Graphic and Design Engineering — UPC. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya



The Department of Graphic and Design Engineering (DGDE), as a multidisciplinary department, deals with the following areas: multimedia engineering; information and communication technologies; creation of spaces in the network; distance learning; knowledge management and production of multimedia content, industrial design, product development, machine design, prototyping, 3D printing and photogrammetry, sustainability, as well as research in paper engineering.


Scientific production of the Department of Graphic and Design Engineering (DGDE)


Research groups with participation of the Department of Graphic and Design Engineering (DGDE):

INSIDE – Innovation in Systems for Design and Training in Engineering

BCN SEER - Barcelona Science and Engineering Education Research Group

GIIP – Research Group in Project Engineering: Design, Sustainability and Communication (Research Group Consolidated by the Generalitat de Catalunya SGR 2017-2019)

LAM – Multimedia Applications and Information and Communications Technology Laboratory

STH – Sustainability, Technology and Humanism

InSup – Surface Interaction in Bioengineering and Materials Science Research Group

LAB – Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics

CELBIOTECH – Paper Engineering (Research Group Consolidated by the Generalitat de Catalunya 2017 SGR 30)


Associated and collaborating entities

The Department of Graphic and Design Engineering (DGDE) collaborated on projects with the Center for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) and the Interministerial Research and Innovation Committee (CIRIT] ), within the Network of Technological Innovation Support Centers, through the Multimedia Applications Laboratory

The Laboratory CELBIOTECH- Paper Engineering of the Department of Graphic and Design Engineering (DGDE) is a Qualified Laboratory of CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industry) for inter-laboratory verification of the testing methodologies of the field at a European level.

Members of CELBIOTECH - Paper Engineering of the Department of Graphic and Design Engineering (DGDE), participated in the Technical Committee of Normalization (CTN 057 " CELULOSA Y PAPEL") and CEN (European Committee of Normalization) (TC 172) for the continuous updating of the testing methods of the paper industry.